From ‘What the F#@% is a Facebook?’ to ‘Who Doesn’t Use Facebook?’: The role of criminal lifestyles in the adoption and use of the Internet
Richard K. Moule Jr., David C. Pyrooz, Scott H. Decker
The impact of respondents and interviewers on interview speed in face-to-face interviews
Geert Loosveldt, Koen Beullens
Incomplete equalization: The effect of tracking in secondary education on educational inequality
Anders Holm, Mads Meier Jæger, Kristian Bernt Karlson, David Reimer
From general discrimination to segmented inequality: Migration and inequality in urban China
Yao Lu, Feng Wang
Exchange and cohesion in dyads and triads: A test of Simmel’s hypothesis
Jeongkoo Yoon, Shane R. Thye, Edward J. Lawler
Family structure and adolescent alcohol use problems: Extending popular explanations to American Indians
Tamela McNulty Eitle, Michelle Johnson-Jennings, David J. Eitle
Patterns of change in religious service attendance across the life course: Evidence from a 34-year longitudinal study
R. David Hayward, Neal Krause
American income inequality across economic and geographic space, 1970–2010
David J. Peters
Housework: Cause and consequence of gender ideology?
Daniel L. Carlson, Jamie L. Lynch
Trends in gender segregation in the choice of science and engineering majors
Allison Mann, Thomas A. DiPrete
Are environmental attitudes influenced by survey context? An investigation of the context dependency of the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale
Elizabeth F. Pienaar, Daniel K. Lew, Kristy Wallmo
Disentangling mode-specific selection and measurement bias in social surveys
Barry Schouten, Jan van den Brakel, Bart Buelens, Jan van der Laan, Thomas Klausch
Explaining monetary donations to international development organisations: A factorial survey approach
Sara Kinsbergen, Jochem Tolsma
Assessing the effect of social desirability on nativism attitude responses
Benjamin R. Knoll
Psychological distress of marital and cohabitation breakups
Lara Patrício Tavares, Arnstein Aassve
Personal networks of prisoners prior to incarceration: A comparison with the general Dutch population
Ruben de Cuyper, Anja Dirkzwager, Beate Völker, Peter van der Laan, Paul Nieuwbeerta
Living life for others and/or oneself: The social development of life orientations
Steven Hitlin, Mark H. Salisbury
Evaluating Effectively Maintained Inequality: School and post-school transitions, socioeconomic background, academic ability and curricular placement
Gary N. Marks
Classroom sex composition and first-grade school outcomes: The role of classroom behavior
Erin Pahlke, Carey E. Cooper, Richard A. Fabes
Skin color, sex, and educational attainment in the post-civil rights era
Amelia R. Branigan, Jeremy Freese, Assaf Patir, Thomas W. McDade, Kiang Liu, Catarina I. Kiefe
Peer group ties and executive compensation networks
Matthew Pittinsky, Thomas A. DiPrete
Period effects, cohort effects, and the narrowing gender wage gap
Colin Campbell, Jessica Pearlman
Housing and neighborhood quality among undocumented Mexican and Central American immigrants
Matthew Hall, Emily Greenman
Black and white homebuyer, homeowner, and household segregation in the United States, 1990–2010
Mary J. Fischer
One country, three populations: Trust in police among migrants, villagers, and urbanites in China
Ivan Y. Sun, Rong Hu, Daniel F.K. Wong, Xuesong He, Jessica C.M. Li
Understanding selection bias, time-lags and measurement bias in secondary data sources: Putting the Encyclopedia of Associations database in broader context
Shaun Bevan, Frank R. Baumgartner, Erik W. Johnson, John D. McCarthy