Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Social Forces 89(4)

Migration and Families

Health Costs of Wealth Gains: Labor Migration and Perceptions of HIV/AIDS Risks in Mozambique
Victor Agadjanian
Carlos Arnaldo
Boaventura Cau

Migration, Remittances and Educational Stratification among Blacks in Apartheid and Post-Apartheid South Africa
Yao Lu
Donald J. Treiman

Organizations and Stratification

Why Does the Spatial Agglomeration of Firms Benefit Workers?: Examining the Role of Organizational Diversity in U.S. Industries and Labor Markets
Andrew S. Fullerton
Wayne J. Villemez

The Context of Workplace Sex Discrimination: Sex Composition, Workplace Culture and Relative Power
Kevin Stainback
Thomas N. Ratliff
Vincent J. Roscigno


The Needs of Others: Gender and Sleep Interruptions for Caregivers
Sarah A. Burgard

Early Pubertal Timing and the Union Formation Behaviors of Young Women
Shannon E. Cavanagh

Work and Attitudes

Origins and Outcomes of Judgments about Work
Monica Kirkpatrick Johnson
Jeylan T. Mortimer

Adolescent Cognitive Skills, Attitudinal/Behavioral Traits and Career Wages
Matthew Hall
George Farkas

Mental Health

The Social Structuring of Mental Health over the Adult Life Course: Advancing Theory in the Sociology of Aging
Philippa Clarke
Victor Marshall
James House
Paula Lantz

Coping with the Stigma of Mental Illness: Empirically-GroundedHypotheses from Computer Simulations
Amy Kroska
Sarah K. Harkness

Education and Work-Family Conflict: Explanations, Contingencies and Mental Health Consequences
Scott Schieman
Paul Glavin

Social Relations

Social Relations that Generate and Sustain Solidarity after a Mass Tragedy
James Hawdon
John Ryan

Who We'll Live With: Neighborhood Racial Composition Preferences of Whites, Blacks and Latinos
Valerie A. Lewis
Michael O. Emerson
Stephen L. Klineberg

Quantitative Methods

Standards for Standardized Logistic Regression Coefficients
Scott Menard

Social Forces, June 2011: Volume 89, Issue 4

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