Monday, April 26, 2010

Theory and Society 39(3-4), Special Issue

Cities, States, Trust, and Rule

Special Issue in Memory of Charles Tilly, 1929-2008.
Guest Edited by Michael Hanagan and Chris Tilly

Cities and states in geohistory
Edward W. Soja

Cities, states, and trust networks: chapter 1 of Cities and States in World History
Charles Tilly

Cities, states, trust, and rule: new departures from the work of Charles Tilly
Michael Hanagan and Chris Tilly

Colonial legacy of ethno-racial inequality in Japan
Hwaji Shin

From city club to nation state: business networks in American political development
Elisabeth S. Clemens

Inclusiveness and exclusion: trust networks at the origins of European cities
Wim Blockmans

Industrial welfare and the state: nation and city reconsidered
Smita Srinivas

Institutions and the adoption of rights: political and property rights in Colombia
Carmenza Gallo

Irregular armed forces, shifting patterns of commitment, and fragmented sovereignty in the developing world
Diane E. Davis

Is there a moral economy of state formation? Religious minorities and repertoires of regime integration in the Middle East and Western Europe, 600–1614
Ariel Salzmann

Legacies of empire?
Miguel Angel Centeno and Elaine Enriquez

Taking Tilly south: durable inequalities, democratic contestation, and citizenship in the Southern Metropolis
Patrick Heller and Peter Evans

The forms of power and the forms of cities: building on Charles Tilly
Peter Marcuse

Unanticipated consequences of “humanitarian intervention”: The British campaign to abolish the slave trade, 1807–1900
Marcel van der Linden

Was government the solution or the problem? The role of the state in the history of American social policy
Michael B. Katz

Theory and Society, May 2010: Volume 39, Issue 3-4

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